A Village of Neighbors. Working Together to Welcome Tomorrow.
August, 9th 2021

It is far from rare that a rogue rooster be found in the two of Plain City. However, sometime between July 15th and 20th, the rooster now known as Handsome Harold appeared in Pastime Park.
The Miami Valley Steam Threshers event had just wrapped up when a local woman by the name of Carla Russell posted on July 20th saying, "Anyone missing a rooster? This handsome guy is hanging out at Pastime Park near the playground. Very friendly he walked right up to us."
As a few days went by, the campground host and all around good guy Ron Gurth presented updates to the community Facebook group.
On July 24th he was officially named Harold and the moniker of handsome was added to his name to show his true stature and majesty. The Facebook group then buzzed with posts having upwards of 100+ likes. The entire community seemed to be excited about this resilient rooster. Camp host Ron Gurth continued to keep an eye on Harold while putting out posts to see if anyone wanted to rescue him to their local farm to be taken care of.
A few folks reached out and offered help and in the end it was Mark Hochstetler of Plain City who rescued Harold away to his farm. Harold is now happily cared for and plays pater familia to a proud population of pullets on Mark's Farm. Harold now has a fan club in the people of Plain City, complete with yard flags, t-shirts and even a drink named after him at the local restaurant and hot spot The Grainery.
It is yet to be proven, but legend has it that Harold can predict whether Summer will end early or late based on the pitch of his morning call on Aug. 31st each year.
This site is now home to all things Harold including records of the weekly comic strip done by local artist Guy Reed. If you have any inquiries regarding Harold and his whereabouts feel free to reach out on the Facebook group. If you have any ideas for mischief that Harold should get into in the comics, please send a message through the form below.
-Andy Leer

First automobile in Plain City, July 20, 1900. The P. C. history calls it a "Locomobile". Owner of the car was Joe Kahler (man with the moustache) and bachelor uncle of Frank Kahler. Joe was one of the owners Kahler Bros. Grocery in 1890's. Driver of the car is Will Justice, who married Ada Kahler sister of Frank, and daughter of Henry Kahler.
The pair went to Chicago to purchase car, and it took a week to make the return trip. In background standing in doorway on right is Frank Kahler. He & Will Justice operated this clothing store -Kahler & Justice. In front of Kahler is James Strapp, Sr.-later town tailor.
Henry Wenzel photographic studio was upstairs. 1st boy on the railing is Jack Paris (he fought in the Rainbow Div. in WW2.) 3rd boy is Ed Sheehan.
Photo-courtesy Donna Dunmire (originally Sthapp family)